Wednesday, March 13, 2024

March Decluttering Challenge: Kids Toys

This month's Decluttering Challenge is Children's Toys! If you are a mom, chances are that toys pushed your sanity over the edge and you are ready for a life of less. I fully planned on setting you up this month with helpful tips and tricks to get started, but because toys can be such an overwhelming category for moms, I would like to give this one the full attention and time it deserves. I am finishing up my Decluttering Course and then I will be more than happy to revisit this one when I have more time. It is my favorite category and the one I have the most knowledge of, so I can't wait to share that all with you.

In the meantime, if you would like more guidance and helpful Step-by-Step tips for decluttering, including comprehensive information on how to declutter kids' toys - get the Free Decluttering Guide and sign up for our mailing list to be alerted when our Decluttering Course goes live! Remember to Like and Follow our Facebook Page so you can join our community and gain access to the next Decluttering Challenges! I'll see you there!

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