Friday, July 14, 2023

My Decluttering Transformation Story

Hello! I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Sara and I am 30 years old. I have one son and two cats. I realized early on as a mom, that I was struggling with burnout as a result of mental and physical exhaustion, as well as overwhelming clutter. While I have always done my best to take care of others, I realized I wasn't taking care of myself.

The idea of minimalism has since transformed my life. I have learned how to simplify and do inner work to focus on what is most important. Now, I am better managing my feelings and goals, which have enabled me to enjoy my life as a mom and an individual, and I want to help you do that too.

I face the unique challenges of living with Cystic Fibrosis and have experience living in a multi-generational household, so I know what it's like to work with different personalities. My parents came from a generation where everything is considered useful and hard to let go of, so it's been interesting to challenge those thoughts in a respectful way and show them a new way of living.

What I hope you take from this blog is how to begin to find your inner voice and use it in a way that positively motivates you to take charge of your health, home, and family life. I want to help you become the ultimate version of yourself so that you feel empowered, confident, and worthy. If any of this resonates with you I invite you to follow me on social media or subscribe to my newsletter, so you can get freebies and important content notifications. I can't wait to help you get started on your journey!

-Sara xoxo

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