Friday, January 5, 2024

January Decluttering Challenge: Clothing, Shoes, and Jewelry

This month we are undergoing a transformation to look and feel your best. We'll start by revamping and customizing your wardrobe so you can find the items that fit and make you feel like the best version of yourself.  Clothes, shoes, and jewelry allow the world to see a glimpse of your unique personality and feelings, so let this be an accurate representation.

When we go into our closets and find chaos, unbeknownst to us that chaos transfers into our daily lives. The messages from the media and our belongings shape how we feel about ourselves, affecting our body image, self-love, confidence, and ability to function. For many, the new year offers us a fresh start. It's the perfect opportunity to examine your goals and align your closet with your mind and body. There’s no better time, so let’s get started! 

Your goal for this month is to declutter the wardrobe items that don't fit your current body or lifestyle.


1. SHOP YOUR CLOSET - What would you still buy Today? Let go of anything else.
2. HAVE A FASHION SHOW - Try it all on! Anything that doesn't fit, make you feel good, or you find something wrong with - let it go. That one little thing you don't like isn't going to magically change.
3. SIZE PROBLEMS OR MAYBES? - Turn the hangers backward and give yourself a time limit, if it hasn't been flipped back and worn by then let it go!

For kid's clothes, sentimental issues are usually the toughest to tackle. For this consider making a photo book, keeping a few key outfits, or upcycling favorites into something like a stuffed animal or quilt. It can also be helpful to donate to a meaningful cause.

Addressing hand-me-downs: Only keep items in the current size or the next size up to avoid excess clutter, unless of course there is a financial need. 

If you have decision fatigue and struggle to pick out outfits, consider building a capsule wardrobe based on what you already have. We'll talk more about that in a future post.

If you would like more guidance and helpful Step-by-Step tips for decluttering, including much more on this topic - get the Free Decluttering Guide and sign up for our mailing list to be alerted when our Decluttering Course goes live! Don't forget to Like and Follow our Facebook Page so you can join our community and gain access to the next Decluttering Challenges! I'll see you there!

LET'S CHAT: What is one thing you want to improve about your mental or physical health in 2024? Let me know in the comments!
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